2024 Event Schedule

Here's the list of 2024 events we have on schedule. Ride events include a club led ride for people of all skill levels. 

May Long Camping May 16-20

May Long weekend Camping, Silent Auction & riding on designated trail system. (Saturday CARA Sanctioned ride only).  A $35.00/night camping fees applies to each camping unit. Large fenced private area with cookhouse, outhouses, garbage bins, supplied firewood and room for 50+ units. New members and Day trips welcome.
Ghost Air Strip PRA

May 16 Evening till May 20
Club Led Ride Sat May 18

Kids Ride Mclean Creek June 8

 First Official Club Kids and Grandkids Ride
Thanks to our Members for getting this going the past couple of years and offering to make it official this year.

Weather permitting there will be a fire lunch.


Stewardship Days June 22-23

10th Annual Stewardship Days


1-2 nights camping fees paid by CARA for Volunteers. Trail work to be determined.

Friday Evening prep - Sat & Sun Maintenance

Aug Long Camping Aug 1-5

 Camping and day ride, daily non-sanctioned rides (Saturday CARA sanctioned ride only). Possible locations: Invermere, Revelstoke, Hummingbird.  Location to be confirmed closer to the date.

Thur Aug 1 - Sun Aug 5

CARA's 15th Pig Roast Aug 29-Sep 2

September Long Weekend, CARA's 15th Don McKay Memorial Annual Pig Roast.  Camping and riding on designated trail system. Day ride, daily non-sanctioned rides (Saturday CARA sanctioned ride only). A $35.00/night camping fees applies to each camping unit. Large fenced private area with cookhouse, outhouses, garbage bins, supplied firewood and room for 50+ units. New members and Day trips welcome.
Ghost Air Strip PRA


Starlight Ride 4 Smiles Sept 21



Giving Off-road adventure to seriously ill children with STARLIGHT CHILDREN'S FOUNDATION CANADA!
Read more about this years event and see pictures from past events at r4scalgary.com

Where: Ghost Air Strip PRA

September 20-22, 2024

20th Rebels Ride & BBQ Nov 2

The 20th annual Rebels Ride and BBQ at Fallen Timber

Saturday November 2

Mix & Mingle Date Nov 20

 Join CARA for a mix and mingle at some great Calgary establishment.  Come meet other riders, see new faces or familiar ones.  No need to rsvp.

Location TBD

General Meeting Dec 4

We would really like to hear from you, your ideas for the club: for events, new events, volunteering, trail stewardship, marketing ideas, future of the club?  This is your club; let's make it the club to be part of and to be proud of! It can't happen without YOU!!! and that includes keeping our trails open!!!

December TBD

Motorcycle Show Feb 2-4

Membership Drive and 50/50's at the Motorcycle Show.

BMO Center

Feb 2-4, 2024

Family Day Ride Feb 18

What: There will be a club supplied BBQ, woohoo!  It will be sausages and buns after the ride at the Staging area; we ask that you bring your own snacks and drinks.  Please leave enough time to unload, gear up and complete your waiver (if you do not bring it with you).  Helmets are required on all club rides.
Where: Waiparous Staging Area, 
Click Here for directions.

Feb 18, 2024 10:30am Departure

Night Ride March 23 Mclean

Where: Mclean Creek Main Stage Area. Stage area is approximately 45 minutes from the south end of Calgary.

Time:  Ride depart at 7:00pm sharp, and will last 2-3.5 hours, depending on issues.  
SignUp for Night Ride
NOTE: CARA, will not be responsible in making sure riders meet the restrictions in the Mclean Pluz during this period, in case there happens to be Officers on site; that relies on each individual user.

March 23rd @ 7PM

Poker Rally April 13 Mclean

 Where: Mclean Creek Main Stage Area. Stage area is approximately 45 minutes from the south end of Calgary.

Time:  9am registration 1030am Last hand sold. First ride departure 930am.
If you're a fast rider plan to do some extra riding after the route or hang out in the parking lot as prizes will not be drawn and hands not evaluated until last person returns. 

NOTE: CARA, will not be responsible in making sure riders meet the restrictions in the Mclean Pluz during this period, in case there happens to be Officers on site; that relies on each individual user.You’re Invited to the Calgary ATV Riders Association Annual General Meeting.  We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the AGM.  It is important to attend as we want to hear from you and ensure you have input into the Club.

Saturday April 13 Time: 9am registration open

AGM April 20

You’re Invited to the Calgary ATV Riders Association Annual General Meeting.  We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the AGM.  It is important to attend as we want to hear from you and ensure you have input into the Club.

Saturday April 20 Time: TBD